About us

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KRIB is the "Voice of Bulgarian business", which:

  • produces three-quarters of Bulgaria's GDP
  • employs more than 900 people
  • unites over 12 companies, collective and individual members
  • provides more than three-quarters of Bulgarian exports

KRIB has a mission:

  • to be effective in improving the business climate in the country
  • to assist its members in sharing good business practices
  • to increase the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy

KRIB is an active participant in the social dialogue:

  • there are representatives at national, regional and European level
  • offers opinions on bills in the National Assembly
  • participates in the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation

KRIB has strong regional and branch structures:

  • has 130 regional offices throughout the country
  • unites 131 branch organizations in all sectors
  • there are 12 sector committees that coordinate the interests of members.

KRIB works with European funds:

  • helps to increase the capacity of business to participate in projects
  • there are representatives in the Monitoring Committees of the OP

KRIB is an international factor:

  • is a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

KRIB is a democratically governed unity:

  • management rotation
  • term limit 2+2 years
  • decentralization by branch/sector and regional principle

KRIB wins because it is:

  • politically and financially independent
  • supported by membership fees
  • is managed and controlled by the members of the organization

The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (KRIB) is a nationally representative organization of employers, recognized by Decision No. 24 of January 14, 2021 of the Council of Ministers. In accordance with the current legislation, the requirement for representativeness of the nationally representative employer and trade union organizations is proven every four years.

The Confederation carries out its activities in accordance with national legislation, internationally recognized acts and the Statute. Consistently fulfills the goals declared in its Statute to represent and protect the interests of its members before the legislative, executive and local authorities, before international organizations, non-governmental and other related organizations.

KRIB, in its capacity as a nationally representative employer organization, participates in the social dialogue in the country, which takes place within and through the functioning mechanism of National Council for Trilateral Cooperation, the regional, municipal and branch councils for tripartite cooperation, the councils to the relevant ministries and departments, the branch councils for tripartite cooperation, as well as through participation in other civil society structures in various state institutions.

KRIB is part of The Economic and Social Council – institution of civil dialogue, regulated by the Law on the Economic and Social Council. The Council is established as a permanent institutional form for consultation, dialogue and information of civil society, an expression of the will and a defender of its interests in matters related to the economic and social development of the country.

KRIB is an active participant in the work of Group 1 "Employers" on European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The EESC is an advisory body of the European Union based in Brussels. Its opinions are requested on the basis of a mandatory consultation in the areas defined in the Treaties or a voluntary consultation by the Commission, the Council or the Parliament, as well as on its own initiative. Its members exercise their functions in full independence in the common interest of the EU.

KRIB is a member of ICC – World Business Organization, who speaks on behalf of businesses from all sectors in all parts of the world, and co-founder of The Bulgarian section of the ICC. The main mission of the ICC is to promote cross-border trade and investment and to help business corporations meet the challenges and opportunities arising from globalization. ICC it has three main activities: rule-making, arbitration, and the presentation of opinions on important issues of international economic policy. ICC has the exclusive competence in drafting rules that determine the conduct of business worldwide. ICC it also provides essential services for international business, the most important of which are the International Court of Arbitration and the World Federation of Chambers.

KRIB reinstated its membership from 2016 in The Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations /AOBR/, which unites the four nationally recognized representative organizations of employers in the Republic of Bulgaria /KRIB, AIKB, BSK and BTPP/ and aims to coordinate their positions and assist in the consolidation, balancing and unified representation of their interests within The International Labor Organization /ILO/ and the International Organization of Employers /IOR/. KRIB is represented by its membership in AOBR в International Organization of Employers (IOR), whom AOBR is a collective member. Since its creation in 1920. MOR is recognized as the only organization at the international level that represents the interests of business in the field of labor and social policy.

KRIB is represented by its membership in AOBR in the Advisory Committee on Business and Industry to The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – BIAC, on which from January 1, 2018 AOBR is an observer member.

KRIB is one of the founders of The International Organization for the Prevention and Settlement of Trade Disputes (ICDPASO) with a contribution to the preparation of the basic documents and rules for the work of the organization. The International Organization for the Prevention and Settlement of Trade Disputes was founded by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) и China Chamber of International Commerce together with industry organizations and legal services agencies from over 30 countries and regions, including the European Union.