From Coal to Clean Energy: Challenges and Opportunities for Coal Regions

"Bulgarian business encounters specific problems in the transition and they are not to be underestimated. There are obstacles to the development of wind energy in Bulgaria. A number of companies have problems joining the networks. Business faces very specific problems and they are not to be underestimated. Coal is going away and this process is going much faster than we imagined. It is important…

Lindström Bulgaria with recognition for "Sustainable Leader" at ESG AWARDS 2024

The leading textile services company Lindström Bulgaria was awarded in the "Sustainable Leader" category in the first edition of the competition "ESG AWARDS 2024". The award goes to the company that has a vision and commitment to the implementation of sustainable practices, that sets a personal example and inspires its teams and partners to embrace sustainability as a fundamental principle in their daily activities. The prize…

ProCredit Bank with distinction for "Sustainable Supply Chain Management" at ESG AWARDS 2024

ProCredit Bank Bulgaria received an award in the "Sustainable Supply Chain Management" category in the first edition of the "ESG AWARDS 2024" contest. In today's globalized world, supply chains play a key role in how companies deliver value to their customers. The "Sustainable Supply Chain Management" category recognizes those organizations that have demonstrated outstanding results…

Nasekomo won the “Sustainable Strategy” award at the ESG AWARDS 2024

Nasekomo is the winner in the "Sustainable Strategy" category in the first edition of the "ESG AWARDS 2024" competition. This award is intended for those companies and organizations that have developed and successfully implemented strategies integrating sustainability into the core of their business operations. They prove that sustainable practices not only reduce the negative impact on the planet, but…

Boyan Tomov

All of us who work on the subject of ESG do so with the clear idea of ​​leaving something behind. Dust by dust - one day we will have contributed to progress."